Tuesday 28 February 2017

Communication - What is Communication?

What is Communication?

communication is a set of rules in telecommunication that allow two or more devices of a communication system to transmit data or information with the help of media which may be wired or wireless. These are the rules or standard that defines the syntax, semantics and synchronization of communication which is going to be occur and also provides possible error recovery methods. Protocols may be implemented with the help of hardware, software or with the help of both. Communicating systems use well-defined formats/ protocols for exchanging different type of data, information and messages. Each message has an exact and same meaning which is intended to elicit a response from a range of possible responses pre-determined for that particular situation of communication. The specified behavior is typically independent of how it is to be implemented to perform communication. Communications protocols should have to be agreed upon by the parties involved to perform communication. To reach agreement of communication, a protocol may be developed into a technical standard. A programming language describes the same process for computations to communicate, so there is a close resemblance between protocols and programming languages; protocols are used to perform communications while programming languages are used to perform computations. 

More than one protocols usually describe different aspects of a single communication. A group of protocols which are designed to work with each other are known as a protocol suite and when they are implemented in software they are called protocol stack.

Most recent protocols which are assigned by IETF for the communication occurs at internet, and the IEEE, or the ISO organizations of other types. The main purpose of ITU-T is to handles telecommunications protocols and formats for the PSTN.


There are some important rules which have to follow
  • There should be an identified sender and receiver
  • Both should agree upon the upon the method of communicating i.e., Face-to-Face, Telephone, Letter and Photography
  • Both should have common language and grammar
  • Speed and timing of delivery should be normal
  • Conformation and acknowledgement should be required from both sender and receiver

  • Unicast Communication
  • Multicast Communication
  • Broadcast Communication

Unicast Communication

In Unicast Communication single person or device communicates with other single person or device. This type of communication is also called one to one communication. This can be performed both on wired or wireless medias.

For example
Discussion between two friends, teacher and student, from one computer to another, etc


Multicast Communication

In Multicast Communication single person or single devices communicates with more than one persons or devices but the number of receivers are limited. This type of communication is also called one to many communication. This can be performed both on wired or wireless medias.

For example
Delivery of lecture to class, Meetings


Broadcast Communication

In Broadcast Communication single person or device communicates with unlimited number of devices at the same time by broadcasting the data or information. This can be performed both on wired or wireless medias.

For example
Television, Radio


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